2010年5月28日 星期五

Elegy 輓詩


Guide to Literary Terms | Elegy

    Elegy - a mournful, melancholy poem, especially a funeral song or lament for the dead or a personal, reflective poem.
The word comes from the Greek elegeia derived from elegos, meaning “mournful poem.”
Elegies originated in Greek and Roman literature where they were used for various subjects such as death, war, or love and were distinguished for having a specific meter, rather than for their subject matter. Since the Sixteenth Century, modern poets characterized elegies not by the form, but by the content, which was invariably melancholy and centered on death.
The best known elegy in English is “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” by Thomas Gray (1751). Ellipsis or ellipse - the omission of a word or words that a reader must supply for full understanding, or a mark or marks to indicate the omission or suppression of words, phrases, etc. This also means the omission in a sentence of one or more words needed to express the sense completely.
The word is taken from the Greek elleipsis derived from elleipein, meaning “to fall short” or “a deficiency.”
Sometimes the words are omitted for compact expression, as in T. S. Eliot’s use of ellipses in “The Wasteland”:
Elizabeth and Leicester
Beating oars
The stern was formed
A gilded shell
Red and gold
The brisk swell
Rippled both shores
Southwest wind
Carried down stream
The peal of bells
White towers
lines 279 – 289


西洋文學的Ambiguity(歧義)包含到中文修辭的 雙關 與 互文


Guide to Literary Terms | Ambiguity

    Ambiguity - a doubtfulness or uncertainty about the intention or meaning of something. It usually refers to a statement that is subject to more than one interpretation. The term is used for words that suggest two or more appropriate meanings or that convey both a basic meaning and complex overtones of that meaning. Sometimes, authors make deliberate choices of words that simultaneously cause several different streams of thought in the reader’s mind. Ambiguity is also used to mean confusion between the denotation and connotaˇtion of a literary work. A simple kind of ambiguity is the use of homophones to promote a multiplicity of possible meanings. In Sonnet 135, Shakespeare puns on the word “Will,” invoking its sense as one’s wish, as well as its sense as a nickname for “William”: “whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy Will” (line 1).The word is derived from the Latin ambiguus, which means “doubtful,” and was formed fromambigere—a combination of amb, meaning “both ways,” and agere, meaning “drive.”
see: allusion, connotation

Out! Out! "熄滅吧,熄滅—

Out ! Out ! "熄滅吧,熄滅——”- source 典故出自莎劇《馬克白》 / 中譯來源(經潤改)

2010年5月25日 星期二


Guide to Literary Terms | Allusion

Allusion - a reference, usually brief, often casual, occasionally indirect, to a person , event, or condition thought to be familiar (but sometimes actually obscure or unknown) to the reader. This holds true especially for the characters and events of mythology, legends, and history. Association is an essential part of allusion. The purpose of allusion is to bring a world of experience outside the limitations of a statement to the reader.
The term comes from Latin alludere, which means “to play with,” “jest,” or “refer to.”
John Milton uses allusion in Paradise Lost:

2010年5月24日 星期一


首發日期: 2007-03-22


剛烈如此,以致 愛之欲其生,惡之欲其死!Medea是很多女性世界的情慾原型,她的可愛在於絕對的熱情,而她的可怕也正在於絕對熱情下的物極必反現象 -- 由愛生恨!

又,何必救贖之?就讓女人的美麗在 Medea的性格原型中流轉盤桓 -- 這是另一種救贖。

2010年5月23日 星期日





Alliteration (sometimes called initial rhyme) - common in poetry and occasionally in prose, this is the repetition of an initial sound in two or more words of a phrase, line, or sentence. It is usually a consonant and marks the stressed syllables in a line of poetry or prose. Alliteration may be considered ornamental or as a decoration which appeals to the sense of hearing.
The word comes from the Latin ad literam, which means “according to the letter.”
This device was consistently used in Old English poetry, but fell out of favor in the Middle Ages. Now it is used to emphasize meaning and is especially effective in oratory. It is characteristic of Anglo-Saxon poetry, as in Beowulf, and is still used by modern poets in nonsense verse, tongue twisters, and jingles.
In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare makes satirical use of alliteration in order to demonstrate the artisan-acting troupe’s lack of poetic skill. In the play within the play,Pyramus and Thisbe, Quince says as prologue:
Whereat, with blade, with bloody blameful blade,
He bravely broached his boiling bloody breast.
Act V, scene i : lines 155 – 156

Affective Fallacy 感應謬誤

  • 書名:西洋文學術語手冊
  • 作者:張錯著
  • 出版社:書林
  • 出版年:2005

Guide to Literary Terms 

Affective fallacy - the error of judging a literary work by its emotional effect upon readers or a confusion between the work itself and its results.
The term comes from combining two words: affective, which means pertaining to emotional effects or natures, and fallacy, which means false or mistaken idea.
Affect was a Middle English word taken from the Middle French affaire, meaning “to influence;”affaire was derived from the Latin afficere, which was formed by joining ab and facere, meaning “to do.” Fallacy is from the Latin fallacia, which was derived from fallac- or fallax, meaning “deceitful.” These terms were originally from fallere, meaning “to deceive.”
In essence, avoidance of the affective fallacy demonstrates an attempt to create objective literary criticism, in which the critic is concerned with describing the rhetorical composition of a work— how it functions — rather than with describing the impact of a work — what it does — on the reader.

女詩人Emily Dickinson 談什麼是詩時, 曾說過: "若我生理上感到如同頭顱被割掉, 我就知道那是詩."  

2010年5月18日 星期二


來源 5 Tips to Maximize Your Ability to Concentrate 
譯者 daisybird2010


見林見樹讀蘇紹連詩集《河悲》 ◎張默


2010年5月16日 星期日



   早上看到資優生燒炭自殺的新聞。很小的孩子,才 15 歲。
   買報紙的地方是 7-11便利店,兩個店員都很年輕,看上去頂多二十出頭。

與複製人密談 ——寫在「寫給複製人的十二首情歌」之前


2010年5月14日 星期五

Mutability 無常

無常  是人生永遠的不變
弔詭的是  無常就是變

這一主題 古今中外文學吟詠多如繁星
你會發現 人性是不分古今中外的   也不分儒釋道或基督阿拉
面對無常  人類最好的面對方式是 - 及時行樂 活在當下
如果覺得可悲   也就真的只有可悲了
如果看待無常如日升月落   如日月經天

雪萊的"Mutability 無常"  也在彈這個人生的老調
底下有三篇譯文  各有千秋
但覺得以古詩文入翻譯  有點走味了

2010年5月13日 星期四

《Before the law》

Before The Law - Franz Kafka

MoronDude | MySpace 影片




1.人類的一切智慧都包含在這四個字裡:等待希望。(大仲馬《基度山恩仇記》 )
2.人生真美好,看你戴什麼眼鏡去看。(小仲馬《茶花女》 )
3.儘管前途黯淡,畢竟前途還是存在著。(卡夫卡《城堡》 )
4.人生本來就不是為了像獸一般活著,而是為了追求美德和知識。(但丁《神曲》 )

2010年5月12日 星期三



塞斯特之死 - from "Iliad"

Patroclus  killed  Thestor :










工筆描繪塞斯特之死  刻畫戰鬥的本質是一場夢魘
以明喻呈現橫屍暴力的情景 - 一支平凡無奇的槍矛穿顎而過  在塞斯特死前就已經剝奪他人性的尊嚴  死者咧嘴露牙就像上鉤的魚
這七行詩結合互相矛盾的兩種情感-人類厭惡暴力致死的恐怖 卻又著迷於恐怖所帶來的快感
戰爭是 醜陋的野性 加 恐怖的美感


新編西洋文學概論 : 上古迄文藝復興 = Western literature to the Renaissance

新編西洋文學概論, 上古迄文藝復興, Western literature to the Renaissance, 西洋文學概論

2010年5月11日 星期二


Part I  笑容、擁抱、鮮花、蛋糕在國文科

闊別一個半月之後 我回來了
一番新奇的感覺上心頭  有點類似當年前來文華報到任新職的初生之犢
事實上  文華才剛過完二十歲生日  
一個半月對照悠長的歲月 何其微不足道  若是日子在忙碌中被公式化了
就是這麼一天  日子不在公式化的規格裡  
初夏的艷陽不讓新晴當道太久   就像他們不會讓我的生疏感停留太久
很多溫馨滿懷的笑容在短短的下課十分鐘內 一一擁抱我的心頭
艷陽的熱力從室外穿透  在國文科同仁的臉上心頭迸射  
讓久不識陽光溫暖滋味的我  瞬間充飽維他命D
我的手肘需要維他命D助長生命力  我的心頭也是的!
謝謝美珍領著上帝的愛  熱情安排這一場熱鬧的小聚會
就讓我感謝上帝吧 ~  因為上帝的大愛成就人間的美善

 Part II  包你高中
老師回來了  暫時還沒機會回到教室的講台上
你們有的已先把文字保溫在團體創作的卡片上  我一回到老窩立刻接上
你們有的親自到我眼前  簇擁著   傻笑著 ...
鐘響了 你們該回教室去  

attachments/201005/5556952960.jpg attachments/201005/8048862095.jpg

Part III 遠洋來的問候 

那會是在台灣也好 法國也好