2010年5月13日 星期四

《Before the law》

Before The Law - Franz Kafka

MoronDude | MySpace 影片

BEFORE THE LAW stands a doorkeeper. To this door-keeper there comes a man from the country and prays for admittance to the Law. But the doorkeeper says that he cannot grant admittance at the moment. The man thinks it over and then asks if he will be allowed in later. "It is possible," says the doorkeeper, "but not at the moment." Since the gate stands open, as usual, and the doorkeeper steps to one side, the man stoops to peer through the gateway into the interior. Observing that, the doorkeeper laughs and says: "If you are so drawn to it, just try to go in despite my veto. But take note: I am powerful. And I am only the least of the door-keepers. From hall to hall there is one doorkeeper after another, each more powerful than the last. The third doorkeeper is already so terrible that even I cannot bear to look at him." These are difficulties the man from the country has not expected; the Law, he thinks, should surely be accessible at all times and to everyone, but as he now takes a closer look at the doorkeeper in his fur coat, with his big sharp nose and long, thin, black Tar-tar beard, he decides that it is better to wait until he gets permission to enter. The doorkeeper gives him a stool and lets him sit down at one side of the door. There he sits for days and years. He makes many at-tempts to be admitted, and wearies the doorkeeper by his importunity. The doorkeeper frequently has little interviews with him, asking him questions about his home and many other things, but the questions are put indifferently, as great lords put them, and always finish with the statement that he cannot be let in yet. The man, who has furnished himself with many things for his journey, sacrifices all he has, however valuable, to bribe the doorkeeper. The doorkeeper accepts every- thing, but always with the remark: "I am only taking it to keep you from thinking you have omitted any- thing." During these many years the man fixes his at-tention almost continuously on the doorkeeper. He for- gets the other doorkeepers, and this first one seems to him the sole obstacle preventing access to the Law. He curses his bad luck, in his early years boldly and loudly, later, as he grows old, he only grumbles to himself. He becomes childish, and since in his yearlong contempla-tion of the doorkeeper he has come to know even the fleas in his fur collar, he begs the fleas as well to help him and to change the doorkeeper's mind. At length his eyesight begins to fail, and he does not know whether the world is really darker or whether his eyes are only deceiving him. Yet in his darkness he is now aware t of a radiance that streams inextinguishably from the gateway of the Law. Now he has not very long to live. Before he dies, all his experiences in these long years gather themselves in his head to one point, a ques-tion he has not yet asked the doorkeeper. He waves him nearer, since he can no longer raise his stiffening body. The doorkeeper has to bend low towards him, for the difference in height between them has altered much to the man's disadvantage. "What do you want to know now?" asks the doorkeeper; "you are insati-able." "Everyone strives to reach the Law," says the man, "so how does it happen that for all these many years no one but myself has ever begged for admit-tance?" The doorkeeper recognizes that the man has reached his end, and to let his failing senses catch the words roars in his ear: "No one else could ever be admitted here, since this gate was made only for you. I am now going to shut it." 

法的門前 (小遊戲)

卡夫卡:《法律門前》 (Before The Law)

(2007-04-10 13:59:52)
    “ 有可能, ” 衛士回答, “ 但現在不成。 
    由於法律的大門始終都敞開著,這當兒衛士又退到一邊去了,鄉下人便彎著腰,往門裡瞧。衛士發現了大笑道: “ 要是你很想進去,就不妨試試,把我的禁止當耳邊風好了。不過得記住:我可是很厲害的。再說我還僅僅是最低一級的衛士哩。從一座廳堂到另一座廳堂,每一道門前面都站著一個衛士,而且一個比一個厲害。就說第三座廳堂前的那位吧,連我都不敢正眼瞧他吶。 
    鄉下人沒料到會碰見這麼多困難;人家可是說法律之門人人都可以進,隨時都可以進啊,他想。不過,當他現在仔細打量過那位穿皮大衣的衛士,看了看他那又大又尖的鼻子,又長又密又黑的韃靼人似的鬍鬚以後,他覺得還是等一等,到人家允許他進去時再進去好一些。衛士給他一隻小矮凳,讓他坐在大門旁邊。他於是便坐在那兒,日復一日,年復一年。其間他做過多次嘗試,請求人家放他進去,搞得衛士也厭煩起來。時不時地,衛士也向他提出些簡短的詢問,問他的家鄉和其他許多情況;不過,這些都是那類大人物提的不關痛癢的問題,臨了衛士還是對他講,他還不能放他進去。鄉下人為旅行到這兒來原本是準備了許多東西的,如今可全都花光了;為了討好衛士,花再多也該啊。那位儘管什麼都收了,卻對他講: “ 我收的目的,僅僅是使你別以為自己有什麼禮數不周到。 
    “ 事已至此,你還想知道什麼? ” 衛士問。 “ 你這個人真不知足。 
    “ 不是所有的人都嚮往法律麼, ” 鄉下人說, “ 可怎麼在這許多年間,除去我以外就沒見有任何人來要求進去呢? 
    衛士看出鄉下人已死到臨頭,為了讓他那聽力漸漸消失的耳朵能聽清楚,便沖他大聲吼道:“ 這道門任何別的人都不得進入;因為它是專為你設下的。現在我可得去把它關起來了。 


[劉僑 ]——(2004-11-16)

